31. mar 08 - 4. abr 08

International Peace Symposium on "Peace and Human Security: Global Insecurity and Overcoming Violence"

Seoul, Korea


Participants at the International Peace Symposium on "Peace and Human Security: Global Insecurity and Overcoming Violence" in Seoul (South Korea). Photo: Schneiss/DOAM

International Peace Symposium on "Peace  and  Human  Security: Global  Insecurity  and  Overcoming Violence" (March  31  -  4 April  2008)  in Seoul (South Korea). The event is the result of a fruitful collaboration between the DOAM  Deutsche  Ostasienmission,  Tomisaka  Christian  Center,  Korean  Peace  Foundation, and the Decade to Overcome Violence (DOV). Participants reflected on the concept of "human security" and its relation to "Overvulnerability" and Invulnerability. [read more...]


Press release of this event


Letter to our Churches, WCC, and Governments  (German version)


View the photo gallery of the symposium